The Richie Rich movie
Richie ‘s dad said he had a son and Richie had everything gold.
He was the richest boy in the whole world. He had a Butler and
he had golden toys. He had a RR (Richie Rich) blanket and
his dad had a building where he worked and it was a very tall
building and they got free haircuts. They could be on the phone
while they had their haircuts.
He was the richest boy in the whole world. He had a Butler and
he had golden toys. He had a RR (Richie Rich) blanket and
his dad had a building where he worked and it was a very tall
building and they got free haircuts. They could be on the phone
while they had their haircuts.
He got a toy car that he could drive in when he was 3 he was
allowed to drive into his dad's office in it . Richie liked baseball
and he pitched to his dad and he played in a team and he got
home a run. Richie’s dad couldn’t make it to United Tools so
Richie went and got socket wrenches for his dad. Because
his father was on a
allowed to drive into his dad's office in it . Richie liked baseball
and he pitched to his dad and he played in a team and he got
home a run. Richie’s dad couldn’t make it to United Tools so
Richie went and got socket wrenches for his dad. Because
his father was on a
business trip. Once Richie got home his dad was there.
Then his dad had to go back on another business trip.
Then his dad had to go back on another business trip.